Lessons from my garden

 Yesterday i was harvesting some patty pans from my veggie patch. Beautiful green and yellow squashes. Some were huge and some small but all so perfect. As i walked back to the house my arms started itching. Those tiny little hairy stems had caused an irritation on my forearms as i reached in deep to pick the patty pans. By the time i had washed them my skin was red and burning and very itchy. I was surprised. I didn’t expect the innocent looking veggies to cause this reaction. Luckily i live by a wonderful cool river and so after a swim the redness and itchiness disappeared and i happily went about my day and didn’t think much about it more.

But just now as I was sitting contemplating life and those difficult bits in between, the patty pans came to mind. Sometimes for no reason and quite unexpectedly someone treats you wrong. Maybe gossips about you for no reason. Kind of like those patty pan bushes hurt me as i touched the stems. And suddenly your soul is red and burning and itching. What to do? How do i Wash my soul? How do i get rid of an histamine reaction to a painful soul irritation? 

I tried reasoning it away. Didn’t work. I tried telling myself it isn’t personal. Didn’t work. I cried. Didn’t work. I got angry. Didn’t work. In fact the irritation grew. I needed an anti-histamine. And how does that look like in real life?

For me it is assessing the situation. Motives - good or bad? If good, then Proceed. (If bad don’t proceed, but ask forgiveness and make things right) 

Soak my soul in God’s Presence. Let Him fight this battle for me. 

Leave it with the Father.

Let it go. Breathe. Wash my soul. 

Move on without it.


Ps. Next time i am wearing long sleeves when picking veggies and i might add some sleeves in certain people encounters too.
