Lessons from The Urban Fox


I love Roald Dahl and all his weird and wonderful writings. Fantastic Mr Fox, the movie with Goerge Clooney is one of my favorites. Never did I think I would actually meet my own Fantastic Mr Fox in the new neighborhood. Mr Fox was very appreciative of his early Christmas dinner left under the bush and barked his thanks the next day while looking straight into my eyes. One of those great moments between a creature and a human - just a moment of weird connection acknowledging each other. I see you.

I learnt that these foxes have become totally urbanized and live happily and for the most part, in peace with the humans, dogs and cats around them. A little free spirit flaunting the very organized world with a confident head-held-high-attitude. 

What I like about them is their spirit. They did not back down as houses crept into their woods and the trees and bushes made way for blocks of bricks and walled in little gardens. Their world changed so much but rather than die out they flipped the outcome and adapted. They kept their freedom even in the process. Nobody owns Mr Fox.

Every time I see Fantastic Mr Fox, I feel my waylaid hope bolster a bit. To be so different yet so confident in exactly that - to be who you were made to be regardless of the world around you. 

I read somewhere that therapy is mostly about helping people to be resilient in a world gone mad. To literally choose to roll with the waves rather then go under. 

I have moved 26 times in my life. But this move has been the hardest. Not even moving into the sticks to live in a tiny house without electricity and running water (cold water was added a bit later thankfully!) for a whole year, could beat this move. Or not even the fact that I had to warm the water on a fire or go to the river to collect the same precious water - no, this move has been the hardest. A move to a first world country where people look through you. Where my heart aches for my family. Where I might look like I am from here but as soon as I start speaking my accent gives me away. Where everything I was there I am not here. I am like the Urban Fox. But I have a choice. I can go under or I can adapt. I can make this new place my own. I can own it. And that is what I aim to do. To see how I can own it. Because as I decide to make it my own I can accept, I can let go, I can adapt. I can thrive.

I have learnt a lot from my very own Fantastic Mr Fox. 

It kind of reminds me of Joseph. Goodness, he went through a lot. My life looks like a picnic in comparison! But he was the ultimate urban fox. He rolled with those waves, actually he surfed them. It doesn’t really say it but I think he had a firm non-negotiable trust in God No Matter What. A strong unfaltering belief that God will come through. No Matter What.

And that is my hope - that I will have that unshakable conviction- a Firm Belief that God will always come through for me. He will help me adjust, adapt and roll with these waves.



  1. S waardevol en kosbaar. Mag jy toenemend kersetes onder jou bos vind, en mense wat jou reguit in die oe kyk en connect!


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